News & Resources - SC First Steps


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Harvard Strategic Data Project Fellow transforms insights into impact

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The only thing more exciting than finding out I had been accepted into the final round of the Harvard Strategic Data Partnership (SDP) fellowship matching process for their 16th cohort was learning that I was also being considered for the Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) placement, housed at ÖíÖíÊÓƵ.

A Fond Farewell from Georgia Mjartan

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After six and a half years leading ÖíÖíÊÓƵ, I am stepping down from my role as agency director on June 28th to become the CEO of Central Carolina Community Foundation. My last day is also First Steps’ 25th anniversary, a time of celebration and reflection, where we, as an organization, are thinking about the journey of impact we have all been on together.

A father’s journey: How First Steps helped Jordan thrive

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When you give to First Steps, you provide dads like Jordan with the tools and resources they need to maximize their strengths and ensuring that children like James and Emily have the best possible start in life.

Getting ready for school: Inside a pop-up kindergarten classroom

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This story is part of a blog series by AmeriCorps VISTA Michelle Maxberry. As part of her year of full-time service at ÖíÖíÊÓƵ, Michelle is gathering and sharing stories of young children, families, and communities served by local First Steps nonprofits across the state.

Barnwell County teen mother triumphs with support from First Steps: Rushell’s Story

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Across the state, First Steps offers a range of programs that help families raise children to be healthy, safe, learning, and ready for school. Rushell’s story is a testament to life-changing impact these programs can have, turning challenges into triumphs and forging brighter futures for young families.

Orangeburg County First Steps helps families through Parents as Teachers: Namrata and Veer’s story

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Namarta and Veer's story is the first in blog series by AmeriCorps VISTA Michelle Maxberry. As part of her year of full-time service at ÖíÖíÊÓƵ, Michelle will be gathering and sharing stories of young children, families, and communities served by local First Steps nonprofits across the state.

The joy and benefits of babies in the office

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Our "infants in the workplace" policy benefits our staff and families, boosts team morale, and supports healthy childhood development.

Nurturing fatherhood, strengthening communities

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A group Dillon County dads are determined to make a positive contribution to their community.

First Steps is here: Enhancing the quality of home-based child care

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Opening a child care center is challenging, but Quality Enhancement services provide much needed support.